Michele Girault with a Hope Community Resources member

Walk & Roll for Hope supports “Wishes of the Heart”

2023 Walk & Roll for Hope logo

Note: Cowork by RSD is proud to support the mission of Hope Community Resources. This year, we will have a team in the Walk & Roll for Hope, Saturday, May 6th, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Please contact Marnie to join the team or to donate.

Our guest poster is Michele Girault, Executive Director of Hope Community Resources, Inc.

It’s hard to think about green grass and clear sidewalks when the snow continues to fall, but our celebration of spring and annual event that helps bring hope for the future—The Walk & Roll for Hope—is just around the corner.

The Walk began as a campaign to bring children home from out-of-state institutional care. Thousands showed up to walk and raise funds for that critical outcome, and as a result, children and young adults came home to Alaska.

Hope Community Resources has been a beacon of light to many for nearly 55 years. In that time, we have:

  • transitioned people out of institutions;
  • proved that medically fragile children can be cared for in the community;
  • fought for integration of neighborhoods;
  • reduced the size of assisted living homes to typical neighborhood homes;
  • shouldered significant budget cuts;
  • showcased abilities in art, theatre, dance and outdoor pursuits;
  • built intentional communities;
  • provided excellent mental and behavioral health services;
  • assisted people with gaining and maintaining employment;
  • developed partnerships in community;
  • developed a value-centered workforce;
  • and so much more!

Along the way we have worked to listen to the ‘wishes of the heart’ of those we serve and created support based on their dreams.


 The first Walk & Roll for Hope took place in 1970 and had more than 4,000 participants.

Today, decades after our first Walk, Hope and other community providers across the state are facing significant financial and workforce challenges. Rates of Medicaid reimbursement for the supports we provide have not been adjusted since 2010. The pandemic exacerbated an already strained workforce and we have struggled to find a path to ensure our frontline employees have a living wage. This dynamic has caused some agencies in Alaska to close, and others to significantly reduce services. It is a time of reflection on how we can continue to exist.

This is NOT the trajectory that will serve people well – so what do we do?

We continue the fight.

I often think about President Zelenskyy and the Ukraine people as they continue to stand up for their country and their right to sovereign government. The tenacity, remarkable adaptability, rallying of allies, and national pride has kept them upright and moving. The consequences of giving up no doubt helps fuel their passion to continue the fight.

Another ‘fighter’ worthy of admiration is Judy Heumann, who passed on earlier this month. Judy is known as ‘the mother’ of the disability rights movement. Although I never met Judy face to face, I did share a zoom room with her and have long admired her life’s work of tenacious advocacy. The current financial challenge we are facing is significant. The danger of full transparency can add to a narrative of scarcity and decline. Consistent advocacy with no relief can lead to discouragement. But for me it is a perfect moment to ask . . .“What would Judy do?”

Why does Hope Exist?

Hope Community Resources exists for the benefit of those we serve. We exist to advocate for, partner with, and walk alongside them. To ensure they have access to what they need, want and deserve in order to live a meaningful life. We exist to actively listen and be willing to transform to meet their needs as well as the needs of our community.

Hope Community Resources logo

I believe that our community needs hope. Together, we can and must ensure no one returns to institutional care. Together, we must see people for who they are and the talents and gifts they bring to the world. Together, we must continue to build communities where diversity is welcomed and supported. Together, we must still fight for disability justice. Hope must continue to provide affordable housing and wrap-around supports. Hope must provide state-of-the-art behavioral and mental health services. Hope must continue to exist because there are still parents living in fear of what will happen with their children after they are gone. Hope must continue to exist because there are dreams yet to unfold that bring more stability, opportunity, and joy to those we serve.

What would Judy do during this time of challenge? She would fight and rally and engage others to achieve outcome for disability justice . . . and she would not give up. We won’t either, but we need your help.

Please partner with us to make this the best Walk for Hope ever! Our collective investment toward securing community-based support and services for anyone and everyone seeking help will have tangible outcomes for Alaskans with disabilities and our community as a whole.


Michele Girault is the Executive Director of Hope Community Resources, Inc. Michele began her career as a Direct Support staff in a small institution in California at the invitation of a friend, and that experience changed the course of her career. She came to Alaska on vacation in 1984 and fell in love with the expansive beauty of the state and moved shortly thereafter. Michele began working at what was then ‘Hope Cottages’ in 1984 and has served in a number of capacities for the organization. She is active in the community serving currently as Board President of The Key Coalition of Alaska, an advocacy group for those with disabilities, and Friends of Pets, an animal welfare non-profit based in Anchorage. Michele has an undergraduate degree in Human Development from Colorado State University and a Masters in Organizational Management from Wayland Baptist University